Main Tasks of the Vice Deanship
Plan of the institutional and academic accreditation, and maintain them.
Supervise the awareness of the academic units on the requirements of institutional and academic accreditation.
Follow up the implementation of projects related the College Strategic.
Pursue the development and implementation of joint study programs with other universities
Supervise the development of the College website.
Supervision of the expansion in the use of e-learning, multimedia learning and distance education.
Follow up the set up and implementation of plans for training programs to College staff.
Follow-up of continuous assessment, awards and incentives for distinguished performance in the field of education and research.
Encourage the establishment of chairs distinguished scientific and research centers of excellence.
Supervise and follow up the development of agreements and protocols for cultural cooperation with educational and research institutes.
Supervise the preparation of the College annual report and its distribution to the entities of interest, after its approval by the dean.