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      List of Graduate Courses

  1. PLPT   502    Insect Pests  (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  2. PLPT   505    Insect Biology (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  3. PLPT   514    Insecticides (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  4. PLPT   523    Herbicides (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  5. PLPT   528   Acarology (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  6. PLPT   530   Phytopathogenic Viruses (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  7. PLPT   531   Honey-bee Biology (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  8. PLPT   590   Selected Topics (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  9. PLPT   595   Seminar (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)
  10. PLPT   600   Research and Thesis (Syllabus – Instructor – Laboratory)

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Content of Graduate Courses

PLPT   501      Diagnosis of Plant Diseases              (2 credit-hours)

            Field and laboratory study of the most important locally spread plant diseases and their diagnosis and identification. (Prerequisite: PLPT      221).

PLPT   502      Insect Pests                                        (3 credit-hours)

            A biological and ecological study of major insect pests of field crops and fruit trees in the Kingdom with emphasis on the estimation of their population, damage they cause and methods of control. (Prerequisites PLPT         243 or PLPT            343).

PLPT   503      Pesticides and the Environment        (2 credit-hours).

            The Agro-ecosystem. Mutual effects of pesticides and the environments. Hazards of pesticides to wildlife, man and farm animals pesticide registration, storage, disposal and handling precautions. (Prerequisite: PLPT         261).

PLPT   504      Phytopathology I (Fungi & Bacteria ) (3 credit-hours)

            Study of fungal and bacteria pathogens, methods of parasitism, pathogenicites and host - plant pathogen interaction, with some examples (Prerequisite: PLPT           321).

PLPT   505      Insect Biology                                    (2 credit-hours)

            A comparative study of the different developmental stages of insects of agricultural importance including shape, habitat and type of injury. The life cycle and methods of laboratory rearing of representatives of defoliators, stalk-bores, sap-suckers, fruit pests, stored products pests, aquatic insects and the external parasites of man and animals. (Prerequisite 343).

PLPT   506      Chemistry of Pesticides (Advanced ) (2 credit-hours)

            Chemistry of the different of pesticides. Physical and chemical characteristics of pesticides. Relations between the chemical structure and biological activity. (Prerequisite: PLPT    360).

PLPT   507      Phytopathology II (Nematodes & Viruses)  (3 credit-hours)

            Study of nematode and viral pathogens, methods of parasitism, pathogenicities and host-plant pathogen interaction, with some examples. (Prerequisites: PLPT         323, PLPT       325 ).

PLPT   508      Insect Ecology and Behavior            (2 credit-hours)

            Insect population ecology and life systems. Current theories explain insect numbers. Insect movements, migration, dispersion and effect on numerical changes. Study of natural population. Interspecific and intraspecific competition for food and habitats. Study and analysis of life tables. (Prerequisite: PLPT          341).

PLPT   509      Formulation of Pesticides                  (2 credit-hours)

            Physicochemical characteristics of pesticides formulation. Role of the formation adjuvants, factors affecting, pesticides efficacy and time of activity. Controlled release formations. (Prerequisite PLPT          460).

PLPT   510      Recent Approaches in Insect Pest Control (1 credit-hour)

            A general survey of the different methods recently applied pest control: - Chemosterilants, anti-feedants, irradiation, growth, regulators, hormone analogues, pheromones, etc.

PLPT   511      Bioassay of Pesticides                       (2 credit-hours)

            Definition, importance and applications. Qualitative and quantities methods of bioassaying insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and other pesticides. (Prerequisite PLPT       360).

PLPT   512      Phytopathological Techniques           (3 credit-hours)

            Different techniques applied in the study of fungal, bacteria, nematode and viral diseases. (Prerequisites PLPT    504, PLPT   507).

PLPT   513      Insect Physiology                               (2 credit-hours)

            A comparative study of the embryonic development in insects. A physiological study of the different body systems: digestive circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, nervous and excretory. Physiology of hormones and its relation to the biology of insects. (Prerequisite PLPT   241).

PLPT   514      Insecticides                                        (2 credit-hours)

            Applications of insecticides, their advantages and problems. Classification of insecticides: inorganic, botanical, and organic. Other chemicals used in insect control, i.e. insect growth regulators. (Prerequisites PLPT           261).

PLPT   515      Non-Infectious Plant Diseases          (2 credit-hours)

            Disease symptoms and disorders in plants due to non-infectious agents and agri-chemicals phytotoxicities. ( Prerequisite PLPT        221 ).

PLPT   516      Taxonomy of Agricultural Insects     (2 credit-hours)

            Principles and theories of taxonomy. Taxonomic categories: the species, subspecies and higher categories. Taxonomic characters. Classification of immature stages of insects. With special reference to orders Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and Homoptera. (Prerequisite PLPT    241).

PLPT   517      Pesticides for Non-Insect Animal Pests (2 credit-hours)

            Nematicides, mollussicides, acaricides, rodenticides, avicides and piscicides. Structure / activity relationships. Formulations and methods of application. (Prerequisite PLPT    261 ).

PLPT   518      Advanced Epidemiology                    (2 credit-hours)

            Development of disease in plant associations, Follow-up and use of special models prepared for this purpose. (Prerequisite PLPT       221).

PLPT   519      Host Plant Resistance to Insects      (2 credit-hours)

            Definitions of resistance and susceptibility. Causes of resistance. Morphological, physiological and chemical properties of resistant plants. Factors affecting resistance. Examples of resistant plants: wheat potatoes, citrus and certain other vegetable crops. (Prerequisite PLPT         502).

PLPT   520      Phytopathogenic Pesticide                 (2 credit-hours)

            Fungicides, nematicides and bactericides. Relationships between their chemical structure and biological activity. Modes of their bioactivity. Translocations within plants and soils. (Prerequisites PLPT    325,PLPT        504 ).

PLPT   521      Phytopathogenic Fungi                      (2 credit-hours)

            Study of the structure, function, classification and identification of plant pathogenic fungi, with examples. (Prerequisite PLPT   504).

PLPT   522      Insect Vectors of Plant Pathogens    (2 credit-hours)

            Adaptation of insect vectors of plant pathogens and their behaviour. Insect transmission of bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Relationship between host plants and insect. Disease symptoms caused by insects with poisonous secretions. (Prerequisites PLPT      323, PLPT       343).

PLPT   523      Herbicides                                          (2 credit-hours)

            Systemic, contact and residual herbicides. Modes of biological activity and structure-activity relationships. Selectivity of herbicides. Injurious effects of residues in the soil. Factors affecting their field performance. (Prerequisite PLPT            261).

PLPT   524      Phytopathogenic Bacteria                 (2 credit-hours)

            Principles and methods of identification of plant pathogenic bacteria. Chemistry and physiology of cell elements. Role and properties of anti- bacterial agents. Survival and dissemination of pathogenic bacteria. Host-pathogen interactions. (Prerequisite PLPT       504).

PLPT   525      Pests of Wood Trees and Pastures   (1 credit-hour)

            Recognition of insects attacking wood trees, shrubs and the important range plants in the Kingdom; with emphasis on the study of their life-cycle damage and methods of control. (Prerequisite PLPT 502).

PLPT   526      Chemistry and Instruments of Pesticide Analysis (2 credit-hours)

            Methods of chemical analysis of pesticides: chromatography, spectero- photometery, gravimetry and volumetry. Handling and use of pesticide analysis instruments, spectral obsarbiometry, flame-emission spectrometry, chromatographic separation and nuclear magnetic resonance. (Prerequisite PLPT 506).

PLPT   527      Phytopathogenic Nematodes             (2 credit-hours)

            Detailed studies of host plant-nematode relationships. Disease progress mechanism. Interaction between nematodes and other pathogens. Nematode ecology and recent advanced in their control. (Prerequisite PLPT         507).

PLPT   528      Acarology                                           (2 credit-hours)

            Survey of order Acarina. Amore detailed study of the morphology, biology, damage and methods of control of plant feeding forms, with reference to species parasitic on man and animals. (Prerequisite PLPT          343).

PLPT   529      Residue Analysis of Pesticides         (2 credit-hours)

            Importance of residue analysis in relation to human health methods of sampling, separation and extraction of residues. Problems of instrumental analysis of pesticide residues. Residual analysis of pesticides in certain biological media. (Prerequisite PLPT       526).

PLPT   530      Phytopathogenic Viruses                   (2 credit-hours)

            Physical and chemical characterization of phytopathogenic viruses. Virus assembly and the different methods replication. Virus isolation, purification and the different serological methods used in their identification. The use of electronic microscope, spectrophotometer, centrifugation in the detection and identification of plant viruses. (Pre-requisite PLPT            507).

PLPT   531      Honey-bee Biology                            (2 credit-hours)

            Ecological factors affecting the biology of the honey-bee. Apiary management. Genetics and methods of queen rearing and introduction. Artificial insemination. Bee behavior. Pests and diseases and their control. (Prerequisite PLPT            245).

PLPT   532      Pest Resistance to Pesticides           (1 credit-hour)

            Differences between resistance and tolerance. Types and degrees of pest resistance to pesticides. Causes and remedy. Case-study of resistance developed in some important pests. (Prerequisite PLPT          511).

PLPT   533      Recent Approaches in Plant Disease Control  (1 credit-hour)

            Recent and non-classical methodologies in dealing with plant pathogens, their hosts and environment to control or reduce plant diseases and their spread. (Prerequisites PLPT      504, PLPT       507).

PLPT   534      Biological Control ( Advanced )        (2 credit-hours)

            Biological characteristic of parasites and predators. Specificity and host selection. Food requirement for adult parasite and predators. Introduction, augmentation and conservation of natural enemies. Microbial control. Biological control of weeds. (Prerequisite PLPT   508).

PLPT   535      Fumigants and Fumigation                (2 credit-hours)

            Fumigation as an application technology of pesticides. Chemicals used for fumigation, flogging and smoking. Formulations, equipments and methods. (Prerequisite PLPT      261 ).

PLPT   536      Integrated Insect Pest Management (3 credit-hours)

            Ecological concepts of integrated management. Components and strategies of integrated management. Tactics of insect pest management. Insect population levels and methods of sampling. Examples of pest management programs for field crops, fruits and protected forming. (Prerequisites PLPT            508, PLPT       510 ).

PLPT   537      Advanced Toxicology                        (2 credit-hours)

            Origin scope and advanced of toxicology. Classification of poisons. Routes of up taking poisons, their dynamics and metabolism. Mechanisms of toxic action. Biological side effects, associated problems and possible solutions. Regulations and safety evaluations of pesticides. (Prerequisite PLPT       506).

PLPT   538      Stored Grain and Stored Products Pests (2 credit-hours)

            Types of losses in-food grains. Factors affecting grain storage. Grain determination and grain heating. Distribution of insects in stored grains. Methods of grain storage and control of stored grain pests. (Prerequisite PLPT  343).

PLPT   539      Pests and Diseases of Date-palm Trees (2 credit-hours)

            Detailed study of pests and diseases affecting date-palm trees damage they cause, life cycle and ecology. Protective and control measures. (Prerequisite PLPT         343).

PLPT   590      Selected Topics                                  (1 credit-hour)

            Selected study for an individual student related to his area of specialization under the direction of the supervisor.

PLPT   595      Seminar                                              (1 credit-hour)

            Lecture presentation by the student in major field of specialization.

PLPT   600      Research and Thesis                         (6 credit-hours)

            Six credit hours will be approved for the student for conducting research and submitting his thesis. (Prerequisite PLPT   595).

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 1:00am