Distinguished graduates can join the department as instructors and sent abroad to get Ph.D., and return as faculty members.

They could be appointed as technicians or research assistants.

They could be appointed in research centers and stations in the Ministry of Agriculture to work in the fields of insect pests, plant disease, weed control, pesticides; environment protection from pollution; Importing, licensing, and handling pesticides and in plant quarantine etc

Ministry of Health (Department of Preventive Medicine)

Ministry of Commerce (Department of Specific Quality)

Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs in the fields of pest control, monitoring of agriculture products pollution with pesticides, removal and treatment of toxic wastes

The National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development.

Universities and research centers concerned with environmental affairs.

The Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu.

The Institute of Natural and Environmental Resources ( for Science and Technology).

Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

Arriyadh Development Authority and other cities development authorities

Grain silos and flour mills as inspectors and pest control operators

Agricultural companies speciallised in horticulture, field crops and in animal production farms to control pests.

Ministry of Interior -civil defense- Department of Agriculture Safety.

Pesticide plants: production, formulation and recommendation of pesticides application.

General Organization for Technical and Vocational Education: Secondary institutes of technical supervisory (Department of Hygiene Supervision) – secondary agricultural institutes

Private agricultural enterprises

The National Guard (Health Affairs), Department of Preventive Medicine.

The Meteorology and Environment Protection Administration (MEPA), (Ministry of Defense and Aviation).

Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA