Approximately, 1.2% of Saudi Arabia's land, is covered by natural woodland forests. Woodland forests are concentrated on the South-western of the kingdom, extending from Yemen bordered on the south to Taif city on the north. Despite the small area they occupy, forests in Saudi Arabia play a major role in the welfare of people living in their vicinity. They provide food and shelter for wildlife, understory forage for livestock, watershed and recreation site for humans. Recently, forest conservation became a global issue as forest clearing began to threaten the global climate. In Saudi Arabia, forests have been the focus of the Government because of the concern that increase in human activities is putting tremendous pressure on forest resources and signs of deterioration such as Juniper die-back are beginning to be visible.
As a leading academic department in Saudi Arabia, Plant Production Department at the College of Food & Agricultural Sciences, King Saud University recognizes the importance of forest conservation and improvement as early as three decades ago through teach, research and extension in the field of forestry.
Wild fires are major problem facing woodland forests in Saudi Arabia
- preparing and rehabilitation Trained
- Conducting researches and studies related to forest maintenance and sustainability
- Follow-up and supervision of the cases of forest health and viability
- Rehabilitation of existing forests to contribute to the environment and society
- evelopment of future plans and studied and how to deal with emergency update
Research Members
Juniperus procera has attracted the concern scientists at the Plant Production Department
Forestry research unit benefits from several laboratories of in the Plant Production Department. These include forestry lab., wood technology lab., growth chambers and facilities provided by the Agricultural Research and Experiment Station. Researchers also have access to open and managed sites around Riyadh city where several trees and shrubs grow naturally.
- Thorough examination of tree species whether domestic or imported and identify their main parts such as crown and roots, as well as identify such trees by flowers and Fruits. And study the ability of these trees or shrubs to reproduce under local environment and their suitability to the circumstances surrounding. The possibility of identifying tree species and their benefits and rate of risk where species turn into invasive.
- Isolation, counting, and identification, viability and germination testing of forest tree seeds. As well as seed treatments to assist in facilitating germination and providing instructions for handling and storage of seeds.
- Full examination of wood samples for classification and identification, estimating its density , anatomical structure, and the rate of growth of its belonging tree.
- Estimating moisture content of wood as well as the proportion of shrinkage and swelling, and wood hardness (Litheness and fragility (wood mechanical properties). Also, study woody cell dimensions and how its role in making quality properties for wood, as well as assessing the chemical components of wood.
Diverse habitat resulted in diverse tree and shrub forest species
Graduate Students
Student |
Advisor |
Thesis Title |
Graduation Year |
A. Al-Harbi |
2006 |
A. M. Ahmed |
Response of Three Eucalyptus Species to Irrigation with Saline Water. |
2006 |
M.D. Al-Otabi |
Ability evaluation of some tree species to absorb heavy metals in Riyadh city.
2008 |
Research Projects
I. Projects funded by KACST & Ministry of Agriculture
- Forest inventory in Saudi Arabia
- Possibility of utilizing some lignocellulosic residues (agricultural & wood processing mills by-products) in manufacturing wood composite boards.
II. Projects funded by Research Center of the College of Food & Agric. Sciences
- Planting some local forest species and evaluation of their wood as a source of fuel-wood in Riyadh region
- Planting Juniper trees in the natural forests of the Southwestern region of Saudi Arabia
- Spacing effects on growth of Conocarpus erectus L.
Scientific Papers
- El-Juhany, L.I. (2001). Effects of nitrogen supply on the growth, dry matter partitioning and N concentration of Celtis africana (Burm. f.) seedlings. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences 16 (7):
- Aref, I.M. and El-Juhany, L.I. and Nasroon, T.H. (1999). Pattern above-ground biomass production and allocation in of Leucaena leucocephala (lam.) de Wit. trees when planted at different spacing. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Saudi Biological Society, 6 (1): 27-34
- El-Juhany, L.I.; Aref I.M. and El-Wakeel A.O. (2001). Evaluation of above-ground biomass and stem volume of three Casuarina species grown in the central region of Saudi Arabia. Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13, United Arab Emirates 14: 8-13
- Abd-Allah, M.A.; L.I. El-Juhany and F.A. Hassan (1999). Growth and mineral content of a woody legume trees Leucaena leucocephala (Lam. De Wit.) and two citrus species in a mixed culture. In the proceedings of "the Third Symposium on Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Mediterranean Basin, November 21-25, 1999, El-Arish, North Sinai Governorate, Egypt
- Hasan, F.A.; L.I. El-Juhany and Shehatah M.S. (2001). Effects of irrigation with sewage effluent on the growth and soil physical and chemical properties of some forest trees
- El-Juhany, L.I.; Aref I.M. and El-Wakeel A.O. (2003). The possibility of manufacturing particleboards from lignocellulosic residues of agricultural and woody industry in Saudi Arabia. Cairo University Agricultural Journal
- El-Juhany, L.I. (2003). Evaluation of DRiWATER effects on the growth of Zizyphus spina-christi seedlings under different watering regimes. Alexandria Science Exchange
- El-Juhany, L.I.; I.M. Aref and A.O. El-Wakeel (2003). Evaluation of using some available lignocellulosic agricultural residues in manufacturing wood-cement boards in Saudi Arabia
- Ibrahim, A.A. and I.M. Aref. 2000. Host status of thirteen Acacia species to Meloidogyne javanica. Suppl. J. Nematology 32 (4S): 609-613
- Aref, I. M. 2000. Morphological characteristics of seeds and seedling growth of some native Acacia trees in Saudi Arabia. Journal of King Suad University, Agricultural Sciences, Saudi Arabia. 12 (2): 77-95. (In Arabic)
- Aref, I. M. and El-Juhany, L. I. Effects of water deficit on the growth of Acacia asak, A. tortilis and A. gerrardii. Mansoura University Journal of Agriculture Sciences, Egypt, 1999, 24 (10): 5627-5636
- El-Juhany, L. I. and Aref, I. M, 1999. Growth and dry matter partitioning of Leucaena leucocephala (lam.) de Wit. trees as affected by water stress. Alexandria Journal of Agriculture Research, Egypt, 44 (2): 237-259
- Aref, I.M.; Al-kherb, S.M.; El-Juhany, L.I.; El-Husssieni, S. and El-Wakeel, A.O. 2000. Fungi associated with leaf blight in Juniperus procera (Hochest.Ex. EndL) seedling growth in green house. Alexandria Science Exchange. Egypt, 2000,. 21 (2 ): 145-152
- El-Juhany, L.I. and I.M. Aref, 2001. Spacing effects on relative growth rates of diameter, height and biomass production in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. before and after pruning. King Abdulaziz Journal, Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture, Saudi Arabia 12
- Aref, I.M. and L.I. El-Juhany. 2000. Natural and planted forests In Saudi Arabia; their past, present and future. Arabian Gulf Journal Scientific Research, Bahrain Vol. 18 (10: 64-72
- Aref, I. M. 2000. Effects of pre-germination treatments and sowing depths upon germination potential of some Acacia species. King Saud University College of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Center, Research Bulletin, Saudi Arabia, No. 95: 5-17
- Aref, I.M. 1997. The important principles of silviculture and utilization of forest trees for resisting desertification in Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of the First Meeting of Conservation and Renewable Natural Resources in Arid Zones. Held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 30 December to 1st January, 1997. P109-120
- Aref, I.M. 2000. Deterioration of the environment and its causes. Journal of King Khalid Military College, Vol. 62 (53-57). Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Aref. I.M and L.I. El-Juhany. 2001. Impact of sudden water stress on the growth of eight acacia species. Alexandria Science Exchange, Vol. 22 (4): 413-422
- El-Juhany L.I and I.M. Aref and El-Wakeel, A.O. 2002. Evaluation above-ground biomass and stem volume of three Casuarina species grown in central region of Saudi Arabia. Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 14: 8-13
- Aref, I.M., 2002. The effect of light intensity on seed germination and seedling growth of Cassia fistula (Linn.), Enterolobium saman (Jacq.) Prin Ex King. and Delonix regia (BOJ) RAF. Al exandria Journal of Agricultural Reasearch, Vol. 47 (2): 73-80
- El-Juhany L.I and Aref M.I. and El-Wakeel, A.O., 2003. The possibility of manufacturing particleboards from lignocellulosic residues of agriculture and wood industry in Saudi Arabia. Bullten of Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University, Vol. 54 (4): 599-616
- El-Juhany L.I and I.M. Aref. 2003. Properties of charcoal produced from some endemic and exotic acacia species grown in Riyadhm Saudi Arabia. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Research, Vol. 8 (4): 695-704
- Aref I.M., K.F. Elkhalifa, and L.I. El-Juhany. 2003. A dendrological Key Identification of Acacia species Growing in Saudi and Northrn Sudan. Journal of King Abdulaziz University Meteorology Environment and Arid Land Agriculture Sciences, Vol. 14: 87-94
- Aref. I.M and L.I. El-Juhany and S.S. Hegazy. 2003. Comparison of the growth and biomass production of Six Acaica Species in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia after 4 Years of Irrigated Cultivation. Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 54: 783-792
- Elkhalifa, K.F and I.M. Aref. 2003. Morphological Studies on Fourteen Acacia Species Seedling Grown in Saudi Arabia. Research Bullten: No 122: 5-11
Aref, I.M. 2004. Growth potential of some legume forest species in media mixedwith litterfall from different tree plantations. The Second International Conference for Development and Environment. Asuit, 23-25 March
Aref, I.M. and L.I. El-Juhany and S.S. Hegazy 2004. Effect of Initial Thinning on the Growth and Biomass Characteristics of Zizyphus spina-christi Trees. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 7 (1): 1-5
Aref I.M., L.I. El-Juhany and K.F. Elkhalifa. 2004. Effects of Sodium Chloride Concentrations on Seed Germination of Acacia nilotica ssp. tomentosa and Acacia gerrardii var. najdensis. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Research, Vol. 9 (1) : 33-41
Aref I.M. and L.I. El-Juhany. 2005. Growth response of Acacia seyal, Acacia negrii and Acacia asak trees to water stress under field conditions. Journal of King Suad University, Agricultural Sciences, Saudi Arabia, 2005, Vol. 17 (2)
El-Juhany L.I and I.M. Aref M. 2005. Interactive effects of low water supply and high salt concentration on the growth and dry matter partitioning of Conocarpus erectus seedlings. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Saudi Arabia. Vol. 12 (2)
Aref. I.M. 2005. Performance of Leucaena leucocephala and Albizia lebbeck trees under low irrigation water in the field. Journal of Saudi Society for Agricultural Sciences (SSAS), Saudi Arabia. Vol. 4 (1)
Aref, I.M. and L.I. El-Juhany. 2004. Planting Juiperus trees in the natural forest of Saudi Arabia: The firest trial. The Second International Conference for Development and Environment. Asuit, 23-25 March 2004
Mefarrej, H., D. Dickinson, R. Murphy. (2001) The natural durability of some plantation timbers grown in Saudi Arabia, Poster in Int. Res. Group on Wood Pres. IRGlWP
Elkhalifa, K. and H. Mefarrej (2006) Propagation of Cordia mixa L. stem cuttings. Pakistan J. of Bio. Sci., 9 (1): 176-178
Al-Mefarrej, H. and K. Elkhalifah (2006) One-year field performance of some Acacia and Prosopis species in Saudi Arabia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 5 (5): 763-766
Al-Mefarrej H., S.S. Hegazy (2007) Radial variation in wood quality parameters of Leucaena leucocephala [(Lam.) de Wit] trees grown in Saudi Arabia. Alexandria J. for Agric. Res., 52 (12):
Nasroun T. H. and Thobayet S. Alshahrani. 1998. The Relationship between Anatomical Structure and Density of Wood. Journal of King Saud University. 10 (2):235-252
Nasroun, T.H. and AI.Shahrani, T.S.1998. The Relationship Between Anatomical Properties of Wood and Some of its Physical Properties. (2) The Relationship Between Anatomical Properties and Shrinkage. Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res., 16 (1): I83.206
Nasroun, T. and Shahrani, T. 1998. The relationship between anatomical structure and some physical properties of wood. (3). The relationship between anatomical properties and permeability of wood. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research. 16(3): 657-676
Extension Bulletins
- Nurseries
- Suitable trees for the local environment and their uses
- Juniper: The first tree in Saudi Arabia
- How to grow a tree
- Halophyte forests (Mangrove) in Saudi Arabia
- Conocarpus trees and the environment of Saudi Arabia
- Handling of forest tree seeds