Research Chair red palm weevil
This chair is a research center to combat red palm weevil , which will provide high-level services for consulting and training in this area , as well as scientific research.
Provide technical information to all those interested in the fight against the red palm weevil for optimal control methods for this pest by providing a research environment of high quality both in terms of technical and financial support and through cooperation with international research centers and connecting bridges of cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and bodies concerned.
• the preparation of studies and research to make an effective contribution in the fight against the red palm weevil .
• Created a global database for the red palm weevil to be a scientific reference specialist .
• contribute to the education and training of qualified staff to work in the fight against the red palm weevil .
• Ensure the quality of research in accordance with the recognized standards in the global scientific community .
• Documentation of communication and scientific cooperation between researchers in the field of red palm weevil .
• Provide expertise and consultancy and advice to government agencies and private companies related .
• construction of the permanent bridges to connect with scientific institutions in the world to host some of the scientists on a regular basis to participate in research programs around the red palm weevil .
• funding of scientific research in the specialized field of red palm weevil .