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Soil Fertility


plant Nutrition

Nutrient Status of Some Soils from AI-Qasim Area and Their Response  to Different N, P, and K Treatments.

Author(s): A. S. AI-Mashhady and M. A. Omar

Journal of Publication: J. Coll. Agric. Univ.  Riyadh. 1: 119-134.

Year of Publication: 1979


Loss of Nitrogen from Ammoniacal Fertilizers Incubated under Different Soil and Termperature Conditions.

Author(s): A. S. Al-Mashhady

Journal of Publication: Commun. in Soil Sci.  Plant Anal. 14: 877-891

Year of Publication: 1983.


Crop Response to Large Initial P Application on Highly Calcareous Soil

Author(s): I. A. Ayed and H. I. Sayed

Journal of Publication: J. Coll. Agric. King Saud Univ. 7: 485-493

Year of Publication: 1985


The Status of Some Nutrients in an Arid Calcareous Soil and Effect of Added Fertilizer Sources on Plant Composition

Author(s): I. A. Ayed

Journal of Publication: J. Coll. Agric. King Saud Univ.7: 261-268

Year of Publication: 1985


A Preliminary Study on Yield of Proso Millet (panicum miliaceum L.) and its Response to Nitrogen Under Summer Conditions in Saudi  Arabia.

Author(s): I. A. Ayed, A. A. Abo-Hassan and N. A. Allam

Journal of Publication: J. Coll. Agric. King Saud Univ. 7: 477-484

Year of Publication: 1985


Effect of Soil Moisture on Alfalfa Yield, P-Uptake from Labelled Fertilizer and Subsequent Release to Alfalfa.

Author(s): M. S. Al-Ninah and I. A. Ayed

Journal of Publication: Isotope and Radiation Res. (14p)

Year of Publication: 1986


Zinc Sorption by Some Saudi Calcareous Soils

Author(s): M. A. Mustafa, I. A. Ayed and O. A. Mahgoub

Journal of Publication: Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res. Biol. Sci. 6: 9-20.

Year of Publication : 1988


Soil Phosphorus Fractions and their Avilability to Corn Plants in Some Saudi Calcareous Soils

Author(s): W. A. Al-Mustafa

Journal of Publication: Alex.  J. Agric.  Res. 33: 297-312

Year of Publication: 1988


Phosphorus Availability in Relation to Inorganic P Forms and Soil Properties of Saudi Arabia Calcareous Soils

Author(s)W. A. Al-Mustafa

Journal of Publication: Annals Agric.  Sci. Fac.  Agric. Ain Shams Univ. Cairo, 34: 475-489.

Year of Publication:  1989


Effect of Soil Moisture on Growth and Phosphorus Uptake by Wheat

Author(s): W. A. Al-Mustafa and A. M. Al-Omran

Journal of Publication: Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res., Agric. Biol. Sci. 7: 43 - 51

Year of Publication: 1989


Comparison of Various Extractants for Evaluating Phosphorus Availability to Plants in Saudi Arabia Soils

Author(s): W. A. AI-Mustafa and I. A. Ayed

Journal of Publication: J. Coll. Agric. King Saud Univ. 1: 145-153

Year of Publication: 1989


The Reliability of NH4HCO3-DTPA for Simultaneous Extraction of P,K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in Saudi Soils

Author(s) : I. A. Ayed and M. I. Choudhary

Journal of Publication: J. Coll. Agric. King Saud Univ. 1:171-176

Year of Publication: 1989


Effect of Elemental Sulphur on Chemical Changes and Nutrient Availability in Calcareous Soils

Author(s): A. S. Modaihsh, W. A. Al-Mustafa and A. I. Metawally

Journal of Publication: Plant and Soil 116: 95-101

Year of Publication: 1989


Nutrient Availability in Calcareous Soils as Affected by Sulphur and Zinc Application.

Author(s): A. S. Modaihsh, A. I. Metwally and S. I. Al-Nahid

Journal. of Publication: Annals Agric. Sci. Fac. Agric. Ain Shams Univ. Cairo. 34: 1227-1241

Year of Publication: 1989


Urea and Urea-Based Fertilizers Influence on Oat Forage, Yield, Nitrogen Uptake and Nitrogen Leaching Losses

Author(s): A. S. Modaihsh

Journal of Publication: J. King Suad Univ. Agric.  Sci. 4: 139-150

Year of Publication: 1992


Availability of Manganese in Calcareous Soil of Saudi Arabia

Author(s): W. A. AI-Mustafa

Journal of Publication: J. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci.  4: 127-138

Year of Publication: 1992


Evaluation of NH4HCO3-DTPA, DTPA and Hydroquinon Soil Test for Assessment of iron Availability to Wheat in Calcareous Soils

Author(s): W. A. AI-Mustafa

Journal of PublicationEgypt J. Soil Sci 33.( 3). :. 231-244.

Year of Publication: 1993


Critical Phosphorus Levels for Alfalfa in  Calcareous Soils

Author(s): Al-Mustafa, W.A.

Journal of Publication: Annals Agric.  Sci.. Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, 38(1), 327-336.

Year of Publication: 1993.


Effect of Excess Boron Fertilization on Status and Availability of Boron in Calcareous Soils

Author(s): W.A.AI-Mustafa, A.M.Falatah andA.A. El-Shall

Journal of Publication: Ferfilizer Research 36: 71-78

Year of Publication: 1993


Comparison of Statistical Models for Alfalfa ForageYield Response to Fertilizer Phosphorus Applied toCalcareous Soils

Author(s): W.A.AI-Mustafa, M.M. Limam, A.M.Falatah andA.A.El-Shall

Journal of Publication: Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res. 12: 85-98

Year of Publication: 1994


Response of Wheat to Sewage Sludge Applied Under  two Different Moisture Regimes

Author(s): W. A. Al-Mustafa, A. A. El-Shall, A. E.,Abdalla and

                   A. S. Modaihsh

Journal of Publication: Exp. Agric. 3 1: 355-359

Year of Publication: 1994


Response of Two Tomato Varieties to Irrigation with Sulphate Waters

Title116.pdfAuthor(s): A.S. Modaihsh and A.A. Alsadon

Journal of Publication: J. King Saud Univ., Agric.  Sci. 6 (1): 163-170

Year of Publication: 1994


Inhibition of Nitrification by Nitrapyrin and Elemental Sulfur in Calcareous Soils

Author(s): A.S. Modaihsh, F.M. Al-Romian, and M. O. Mahjob

Journal of Publication: Annals Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, 40(1): 443-455

Year of Publication: 1995


Influence of Successive Application of Phosphorus and Potassium on The Yield of Corn and Soyabean Grown on Excessively Ferftilized Calcareous Soils.

Author(s): W.A.Al-Mustafa, A.E.Abdallah, A.S.Modaihsh and Z.T. Sliman

Journal of Publication: Egpt. J. Appl.  Sci.; lo (8): 697 - 710

Year of Publication: 1995


Fertilizers Practices Performed by Small Wheat Producers in the Central Region of Saudi Arabia

Author(s): A.S. Modaihsh and Mohammed S. Al-Shinaifi

Journal of Publication: J. King Saud Univ., Agric. Sci. 7 (1): 135-152

Year of Publication: 1995


Impact of Sulfate-Rich Water and Organic Manures on Wheat Grown in Arid Soils

Author(s): A. S. Modaihsh, W A. Al-Mustafa, A. E. Abdallah and A. A. El-Shall

Journal of publication: Arid Soil Reasearch and Rehabilitation 8: 247-259

Year of publication: 1996


Assessment of P-Zn Interaction in Corn Grown on Calcareous Soil

Author(s): A.S. Modaihsh, A.E. Abdallah, and A.A. El-Shall

Journal of Publication: J. King Saud Univ., Agric.  Sci. 8(2): 299- 314

Year of Publication: 1996


Nitrogen Management and Nitrapyrin Effects on Yield and N Recovery of Wheat

Author(s): A.S. Modaihsh, F.M. Al-Romian, and M. O. Mahjob

Journal of Publication: J. King Saud Univ., Agric.  Sci. 8(1): 159-172

Year of Publication: 1996


Foliar Application of Chelated and non Chelated Metals for Supplying Micronutrients

Author(s): A.S. Modaihsh

Journal of Publication: Exp. Agric. 33: 237-245

Year of Publication: 1997


Characteristics and Composition of the Falling Dust Sediments on Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia.

Author(s): A.S. Modaihsh

Journal of Publication: Journal of Arid Environment 36: 211-223

Year of Publication: 1997


تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 1:00ص