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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

ابحاث 2009

Published Papers


  1. Abdelgadir A.M., Al Ghomlas A.K., Al Haidari A., Husain M.F., White J. 2009. The peculiar platelet behavior in the arabian camel (camel dromedarius). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis; Vol. 7, Suppl. 2: Abst. PP-MO-057.


  1. Abudabos, A. 2009. KOFAT © As An Alternative Source Of Fat In Broiler Diets. Bull.Fac, Agrie.,Cairo Univ,,60:264.267. abstract

  1. Ali, E.A.M., Bushara, H.O., Ali, F. and Hussein, M. F. 2009. Age-dependent susceptibility of Bulinus truncatus snails to an aqueous extract of Pulicaria crispa (forssk) Oliv. (asteraceae) leaves. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Publ. Hlth. 40(3): 463-470. abstract

  1. Elemam M.B., A.M. Fcdelelseed, K. Abdoun, A. M. Solih,  2009. Blood parameters of lambs fed graded levels of deep-stock broiler litter. OJVR Online Journal of Veterinary Research© Volume 13 (2): 93-104.,%20B5,%2023-26,%202012.pdf


  1. Elnour A. Ali, Hamid O. Bushara, Faisal S. Ali and Mansour F. Hussein, 2009. Molluscicidal Activity of Aqueous Extracts of Pulicaria Crispa Against Bulinus Truncatus Snails. J: Trop. Med Plants. Vol. 10. No.1. abstract

  1. Hussein M.F, R.S. Al-jurnaah, A.A. Alhaidary, M. A. Alshaikh2009. Blood Platelet Indices and Parallel Red Cell Parameters in the Arabian Mountain Gazelle (Gazella gazella). Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (7): 785-788.

  1. Khadiga A. Abdel Ati, A.E. Mustafa, H.E. Mohamed, 2009. The effect of dietary Nigella sativa seeds on the blood cholesterol and lipoprotein levels of rabbits. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, Vol. 3, Issue 3: 227 - 230.

  1. Khadiga, A. A. Ati, S. Mohammed, A. M. Saad And H. E. Mohamed. 2009. Response Of Broiler Chicks To Dietary Monosodium Glutamate. Pakistan Vet. J., 29(4): 165-168.

  1. Kraidees, M. F., AI-Haidary. I. A, Mufarrej, S. I. AI-Sayyadi, M. Y., Metwally, H. M. and Hussein, M. F.2009. Effect of Supplemental Chromium Level on Digestibility, Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Transport-Stressed Lambs. Asian- Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 22(8): 1124-1132.

  1. M. Ayadi , M. Hammadi , T. Khorchani , A. Barmat , M. Atigui , and G. Caja. 2009.  Effects of milking interval and cisternal udder evaluation in Tunisian Maghrebi dairy dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius L.). J. Dairy Sci., v92:1452–1459.


  1. Magzoub, M.B., H.A. Al-Batshan, M.F. Hussein, S.I. Al-Mufarrej and M. Y. Al-Saiady. 2009. The Effect of Source and Level of Dietary Chromium Supplementation on Humoral Antibody Response and Blood Chemical Parameters in Hybrid Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus). Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (7): 821-827.

  1. Mansour F. Hussein and A.R. Gar El Nabi. 2009. Serological Evidence of Leptospirosis in Camels in Saudi Arabia. J.of Anim. and Vet. Advances 8 (5), 1010-1012.

  1. Maurice, D.V.Lightsey, S.F.Toler, J.E.Abudabos, A.Lindler, H. 2009. L-gulonolactone oxidase activity, tissue ascorbic acid and total antioxidant capacity in vitamin A-deficient chickens, gallus gallus. Journal of Poultry Science Volume 46, Issue 1, Pages 13-18.


  1. Micho M., Mohamed H.E., Sewani-Ruskie C.R. and Mudambo K.S.M.T. 2009. Fertility indicators and glutathione status in Sprague Dawley rats. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 2009. Vol. 4, Issue 1: 261 – 266. abstract

  1. Nasser, M.E.A., A.M. El-Waziry and S.M.A. Sallam, 2009. In Vitro gas production measurements and estimated energy value and microbial protein to investigates associative effects of untreated or biological treated linen straw and berseem hay. Options Mediterraneennes, A/no. 85, 2009, Nutritional and foraging ecology of sheep and goats, 261-266.


  1. Shubhadeep Roychoudhury, Peter Massanyi, Jaroslav Slamecka, Ivan Chlebec, Jozef Trandzik, Jozef Bulla, Aly B. Okab, Taha A. Taha, Mohamed H Salem and Mostafa A. Ayoub, 2009. In vitro gossypol induced spermatozoa motility alterations in rabbits. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B,44:7,730 - 741.


  1. Suliman, G. M., Babiker, S. A.  & Eichinger, H. M., 2009. Growth performance of Sudan Baggara bulls fed diets containing Hibiscus (Karkade) seeds as a nonconventional protein source. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 21, Article #95. LRRD 21 (6).


  1. Tarek M. Shafey", Kamal A. AI-Samawei, and Hamad A. AI-Batshan, 2009. In Ovo Feeding of Chicken Embryos (Review article). J Saudi Soc.for Agric. Sci., Vol. 9, No. 1a, p:15- 31. abstract

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 1:00ص